I create figurative assemblages from found objects with a particular interest in using materials from historic sites. Until recently, I lived in an 1880 mill village called Glencoe, near Burlington, NC. It was a treasure trove of industrial waste and castoffs from history! I have collected barrels and boxes full of scrap metal, wood, ceramic, paper, glass, and plastic from the ground, from under old houses, from the river, and from deserted mill buildings. My friends and neighbors contribute toward cleaning up the environment by donating their discards to me in piles on my front porch. I gather oddments from metal recyclers, junk car yards, thrift shops, flea markets, and roadside discard piles. I recently moved to a new home and studio in Hillsborough, NC.
Many of my works are focused on “save-the-earth” or “celebrating earth” themes, and often include globes or maps. Ideas often spring from song lyrics or titles or from the various found objects themselves. Using wood, metal, plastic, glass shards, and LOTS of screws, bolts, Apoxy Sculpt, Liquid Nails, and epoxy glue, I mainly design human figures but also create some animals as garden sculptures. Click the link below to see pictures of some of my works.
**NOTE: All of the art shown on these pages has been sold. I will be posting new available art daily on my Facebook page, Recycled Folks, starting October 10, 2021. Please contact me on FB if you see something you are interested in! Thanks!

Please contact me for prices. I can create pieces to order similar to the examples shown on this site, or am happy to do custom work. If you would like to visit my studio, please email to set up an appointment. The email here is recycledfolks@gmail.com. |

I'm #4 on the tour - 745 Latimer St. Hillsborough
Orange County Artists Guild
November 6 and 7
November 13 and 14
See the full brochure HERE or just the map HERE.